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Investor Relations Policy

  1. Objective

    CapitaLand Ascott Trust Management Limited and CapitaLand Ascott Business Trust Management Pte. Ltd., the Managers of the CapitaLand Ascott Trust ("CLAS"), are committed to sustainable and effective communication with CLAS’ retail and institutional Stapled Securityholders. The investor relations policy (the "IR Policy") outlines the channels and processes of the Managers to ensure timely, effective, unbiased and transparent communication with Stapled Securityholders and the investment community. In this IR Policy, references to the investment community includes CLAS' potential investors as well as analysts who review CLAS' performance.

  2. General Policy
    1. At all times, the Managers are committed to making timely full and accurate disclosure and distributing other corporate communications materials in accordance with the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX-ST") and the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2018 issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Other corporate communication materials refer to any document issued or to be issued by the Managers for the information or action of its Stapled Securityholders, including, but not limited to, the annual report, a notice of meeting, a circular and a proxy form.
    2. This IR Policy is reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness. Updates and amendments (as appropriate) will be made to reflect current best practices in our communication with Stapled Securityholders and the investment community.
  3. Communication Principles
    1. The Managers strive to provide pertinent and accurate information to its Stapled Securityholders and the investment community in an effective and timely manner.
    2. The Managers will use clear and plain language in its communication with its Stapled Securityholders.
    3. The Managers endeavour to provide a consistent level of disclosure on both positive and negative issues.
    4. The Managers will communicate only through its designated spokespersons.
    5. The Managers do not respond to rumours. However, if rumours indicate that material information has been leaked or they are in fact false or inaccurate, the rumours will be promptly denied or clarified via announcements made through SGXNET to SGX-ST.
    6. The Managers will give reasonable access to analysts and the media to help them formulate informed opinions of CLAS, but will not seek to influence those opinions.
    7. During the one month before the time of announcement of CLAS' half-year and full-year results, the Managers observe a "black-out period" and will avoid commenting about financial results and the performance of CLAS that have not been announced and any market outlook.
  4. CLAS' Website
    1. CLAS has a dedicated website,, which contains all information relating to CLAS, from the trust structure to the portfolio information. All announcements, press releases and presentations issued on SGXNET will be updated on CLAS' website as soon as practicable after their release. Stapled Securityholders and potential stakeholders have 24-hour access to CLAS' website for information.
    2. Within the Investor Relations section on CLAS' website, information on past announcements, publications including circulars and annual reports, tax refund procedures, general frequently asked questions and corporate governance framework in relation to CLAS can be found. CLAS' trading price is also made available on the website on an approximately 15-minute delay basis.
    3. Stapled Securityholders can subscribe to email alerts to receive updates whenever there are any press releases issued by CLAS.
  5. Half-yearly Results Reporting
    1. In accordance with the amendments to Rule 705(2) of the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited which were effective from 7 February 2020, the Managers had changed the frequency of financial reporting to half-yearly, with effect from the financial year ending 31 December 2020 (“FY 2020”). Financial results and other price sensitive public announcements are presented in a balanced and understandable assessment of CLAS’ performance and prospects. In addition, the Managers provide relevant business updates between the announcements of half-yearly financial statements.
    2. Annually, at least two briefings are conducted for the analysts and the media in relation to half year and full year financial results. In the event that there are major announcements, the Managers may also hold meetings to brief the analysts and the media. During such briefings, there will be a presentation by the Managers on the results or the related transaction announcement, followed by a question and answer session for the analysts and media who attend the briefings.
  6. General Meetings
    1. The notice of annual general meeting (“AGM”) where the resolutions are detailed and proxy form will be made available to Stapled Securityholders within three months after the close of the financial year on CLAS' website at Printed copies of CLAS' Annual Report are available upon request prior to the AGM. Stapled Securityholders who are unable to attend and vote at the AGM can appoint proxies to attend, speak and vote on their behalf. The proxy forms are to be submitted 48 hours before the AGM.
    2. Representatives of CLAS’ trustee, the Managers' board of directors and key management personnel, and the external auditors of CLAS will be present at the AGM to answer Stapled Securityholders' questions relevant to the meeting. The Chief Executive Officer of the Managers will also present the performance and strategies of CLAS for the past year.
    3. In the event that there are pandemic risks and associated safe distancing restrictions put in place by the government, alternative arrangements relating to attendance at the AGM are set out in the notice of AGM available on CLAS’ website. These include arrangements by which the AGM can be electronically accessed via live audio-visual webcast or live audio-only stream, submission of questions in advance of the AGM, addressing of substantial and relevant questions prior to or at the AGM and voting by appointing the chairman of the meeting as proxy at the AGM.
    4. As and when an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) of the Stapled Securityholders is to be held, each Stapled Securityholder will receive a copy of a circular to Stapled Securityholders which contains the details of the matters to be proposed for Stapled Securityholders' consideration and approval. The notice of EGM which sets out all items of business to be transacted at the EGM is also announced on SGXNET and advertised in the local business newspapers.
    5. Similar to AGMs, Stapled Securityholders who are unable to attend and vote at the EGM can appoint proxies to attend, speak and vote on their behalf. The proxy forms are to be submitted 48 hours before the EGM.
    6. At the AGM/EGM, Stapled Securityholders are given the opportunity to air their views and ask questions regarding the matters to be tabled at the AGM/EGM.
    7. Electronic voting is used at CLAS’ AGM and EGM for all resolutions. The results of the poll are shown on the screen immediately after each poll is conducted. An announcement will be released on SGXNET detailing the number and percentage of votes received FOR or AGAINST each resolution and whether each resolution has been carried.
  7. Investment Community Communications
    1. The Managers communicate with investors, analysts on a regular basis through the analyst and media briefings, one-on-one meetings with investors, deal and non-deal roadshows, conferences, and teleconferences.
    2. Property tours are arranged or conducted for local and overseas investors upon request to educate and familiarise them with CLAS’ properties.
    3. All presentations for roadshows and conferences are also uploaded on SGXNET and CLAS’ website to ensure consistency in information sharing.
  8. Stapled Securityholders' Enquiries
    1. For update of personal particulars such as change of address, Stapled Securityholders will have to contact The Central Depository (Pte) Limited at:

      The Central Depository (Pte) Limited
      Tel: +65 6535 7511
      Fax: +65 6535 0775
    2. Stapled Securityholders can contact our Stapled Securityholder registrar at the following address:

      Boardroom Corporate & Advisory Services Pte. Ltd.
      1 Harbourfront Avenue
      #14-03/07 Keppel Bay Tower
      Singapore 098632
      Tel: +65 6536 5355
      Fax: +65 6536 1360
    3. Stapled Securityholders can pose questions via a dedicated "Ask Us" email address at, and have their queries addressed accordingly, or send an email directly to the Head, Investor Relations at The main line of the Managers is +65 6713 2888. For media contact, they can send an email directly to the Vice President, Group Communications at
  9. Stapled Securityholders' Privacy
    1. The Managers recognises the importance of Stapled Securityholders' privacy and will not disclose Stapled Securityholders' information without their consent, unless required by law to do so.